Photo of  Fairmont High School Junior Marketing Students outside of the Dayton Engineers Club

On Wednesday, November 8, Junior Marketing Students studying Digital Marketing visited the Engineering and Science Hall of Fame. The students were excited to learn about the history of engineering and science, and tour the museum. They will be working jointly with the HOF Website Committee to redesign the Engineering and Science Hall of Fame website.  

The Engineering and Science Hall of Fame® is hosted inside the Engineers Club of Dayton located in Dayton, Ohio.  Dayton is the home of the Wright brothers' aeronautical exploits and many other advances in science and engineering.

The Hall of Fame provides a centralized location for honoring engineers and scientists for their global achievements. The trustees of the Hall of Fame have a long-term commitment to keep alive the memory of those engineers' and scientists'  great beneficial impact on humanity.

In addition to the exhibits, the students also had the opportunity to meet with members of the Engineers Club who volunteer on the website committee. This partnership will be a valuable learning experience for the high school marketing class. The field trip to the Engineering and Science Hall of Fame was a great success.